elective / Teaching hours per week: 3 / Laboratory hours per week: 3 /Assessment: written examination at the end of the semester / Credits: 5
O. Tzakou, Professor
T. Constantinidis, Associate Professor
E. Kalpoutzakis, Labatory Teaching Stuff
• Introduction to Pharmaceutical Botany.
• Plant classification systems. Nomenclature.
• The Importance of Pharmaceutical Botany in Pharmacy.
• The Engler classification system and the system of APG.
• Systematic division of large groups of organisms (Prokaryotes, Algae, Plants, Fungi).
• Brief overview of the groups: Bacteriophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta,Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Charophyta, Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta,Rhodophyta,Mycophyta (and Lichenes), Bryophyta, Pteridophyta.
• Spermatophyta, with emphasis on families of great medicinal importance