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The aim of the M.Sc. Programme “Drug Design and Development” is to provide high quality postgraduate education in the scientific fields of Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. The programme aims at the advancement of scientific knowledge and the application of new knowledge and technology in the field of Pharmaceutical Science. Furthermore, it aims at the specialization of young scientists and the creation of executives capable of dealing with problems of transfer and assimilation of new high-tech processes and to contribute to the economic and social development of the country. It is part of the efforts to modernise and upgrade the level of Postgraduate Studies provided by the Department of Pharmacy of the School of Health Sciences of the N.K.U.A.. to a level competitive with international standards.
The MSc leads to the award of the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies “Drug Design and Development of new Bioactive Compounds”, after the full and successful completion of the studies based on the curriculum, in the following directions:

The degrees are awarded by the Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Studies Guide